Monday, November 19, 2012

Power of Gratefulness


Being that it is the week of Thanksgiving here in the States, the topic have giving thanks and gratefulness has been on my mind.  I have so many things to be thankful for, I don't know where to even start.  I live in a country that has unbelievable freedom, valiantly fought for over many generations by our heroic servicemen.  I have a great family that just so happens to all be getting together this week--something I excitedly look forward to every year.  I have an amazing wife who supports me and who loves me just as I am AND who is just as, and sometimes even more, excited about this Living (un)Explored Project as I have been.  Most of all, I'm thankful for my relationship with God and the gifts of life, love and joy He so graciously gives and I so undeservedly get to receive.

In Creative Journeys

Most of us can relate to being thankful for these kinds of parts of our lives, give or take: our families, friends, jobs, communities, freedoms, etc.  But have you thought about the part of your life that specifically involves your creative endeavors?  Who and what do we have to be grateful for in that area?

I hadn't thought much about this topic until now, but I think it's been a fruitful in my own life to think about it.  So, here are some things I am specifically grateful for in the creative aspects of my life:

1) Creator God-- I believe we've all been made in the image of God who created everything and so, we all have a unique creative destiny.  What a legacy and inheritance we have as creators!  For me, everything flows from here.

2) Creative Communities-- who do you have in your life that you can share your work with, get constructive feedback and encouragement from?  Andy Crouch stresses the importance of community in our journey to become successful creators and artists in his brilliant book Culture Making.  One of my hopes for this blog is that we can together become a healthy creative community.

3) Life Situations-- it sounds counter-intuitive to be equally thankful for life situations that are at times difficult and at other times so wonderful.  But it's in the range of emotions and the ups and downs of day-to-day life that we find sparks for the creative expressions we have.  These are also the very ways that we relate to each other and connect through.  It's often in suffering and the shared experience of our broken world that we find unity and it's in those places that walls break down between people and our perceived differences really become as insignificant as they should be.

4) Outlets for our Creativity-- I know not all of us share this luxury, but I'm thankful for the many places in which I have to share my art with others.
  -In my city, we have several places that host open-mic nights for sharing music.  Katie and I plan on starting to participate in those evenings once we make a little more progress in the project.
  -Also, free and useful sites like this one ( that provide a great way to post these blog entries have been so helpful.  A site like this allows me to focus on the writing and the content and not to have to worry about getting the technical parts working correctly.
  -My local church has been a great source of opportunities to share gifts of music and other talents I've been given.  Would your local faith community be a great place to showcase your work?
  -Other random places for sharing talents have also come into view recently.  For instance, last weekend, I spent some time in New England and one really cool part of the trip was seeing street performers and artists entertain passerbys in Boston Common and Central Park and Times Square.  I was struck by the freedom we have here in the States to express ourselves publicly.  I know that many in world, if not most, do not have that same opportunity, so I desire to not take it for granted in my own corner of the planet.

The Innate Power of Gratefulness

When we're thankful for the gifts we've been given, there's something deeper going on then just celebrating a holiday like Thanksgiving as an yearly ritual.

I haven't fully put my finger on it yet, but I think part of the power is that there is a humility that happens when I truly realize that I don't deserve much, if not any, of what I have.  And there's a call to service and love that naturally flows from that place of gratefulness and humility.  And finally, remembering the things that I have and cultivating thankfulness helps lead me to places of contentment in my life and into worship of the God that loves me and graciously provides these gifts.

I think knowing that my life is primarily not about me, and earnestly desiring to live like that is true (however badly I end up doing it), is a helpful grounding reality that I'm rather thankful for...even as I pursue grandiose dreams of  writing music and changing lives.

Happy Thanksgiving to all in the States and blessings to those abroad.  I invite everyone to join me this week in focusing in on the many things for which we have to be thankful.


What are you thankful for when it comes to your creative lives?  Do you agree with the thought about gratefulness being powerful?  Anything to add to it?

Join the discussion.  Post a comment below.  I would love to hear what you think.

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